Home Delivered Meals

JCCGCI’s home delivered meals-on-wheels program serves seniors who, whether due to illness or handicap, are not able to prepare nutritious meals on their own.

Clients receive seven meals delivered five days a week with a chilled meal for Saturday and Sunday. The food is glatt kosher with rabbinic oversight of the kitchen. We pride ourselves on this program’s consistency and dedicated staff; in over a decade, there was only one day (the blizzard of 2011) when meals were not delivered to everyone—and even then we managed to reach a handful of our seniors.

We aim to provide more than meals. The delivery staff see the clients every day, offering support, socialization and the ability to identify if someone needs assistance through one of JCCGCI’s other services.

We would like to thank our home delivered meals program funders, NYC Department for the Aging (DFTA) and Citymeals on Wheels.

To refer a client, or to arrange an intake call 718-449-5000 ext 2822.