IPS- Internship Placement Services

Our IPS- Internship Placement Services creates subsidized, unpaid and paid internship experiences for NYC Cash Assistance (CA) recipients enrolled in HRA-approved educational programs.

We design internship assignments to the individual based on his or her career preferences and experiences, field of study and geographic limitations. This flexible model aims to transition CA recipients from dependence to self-sufficiency by identifying and addressing barriers to success and developing participant skills and deportment through internships.

We help enable IPS participants for success through employment support services such as resume and interview preparation and additional mentorship as needed. New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) also provides on-site counseling to help establish financial stability.

JCCGCI thanks the New York City Human Resources Administration for the long-term funding that has made the continuing success of this program possible.

For more information about about this program call 718-449-5000 ext 5. or email us at IPS@jccgci.org.