Crown Heights Career Hub

Crown Heights Career Hub (CHCH) is a revolutionary career program assisting young adults from the Crown Heights community facilitating their transition from the educational system to the workforce. CHCH, with an office and classroom site located in the Crown Heights community, provides intensive basic occupation skills training which prepares emerging job seekers with the skills necessary to secure middle management and other employment options which offer potential for growth and adequate income to support a family. Besides vocational skills training, CHCH also prepare students with all necessary job-related skills such as interpersonal dynamics and resume building, job search and interview skills and culminates with a professional virtual business simulation where each student owns a company and progresses through several business quarters making advanced “real” business decisions. CHCH also has a full-time job placement specialist on premises. Graduates of CHCH training cycles have secured upwardly mobile positions at established businesses. More information can be found on CHCH’s website at

JCCGCI thanks UJA-Federation of New York and a major anonymous donor for the funding that has made this program possible.

For more information about this program call 718-449-5000 ext 2349 or email