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TRANSITIONING CLIENTS TO 21ST CENTURY LIFE SOLUTIONS This is an amazing story about the inspirational impact of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island's Crown Heights Career Assessment Program (CHCAP) on one client that exemplifies the program's impact upon hundreds of its participants over the past 11 years. Chaim (name has been changed), an immigrant was in his twenties [...]

December 24th, 2019|Blog|

Mayor De Blasio Praises Horizons Academy

Within a few short minutes of the broadcast of the below, we were honored and delighted to receive the following response from Mayor de Blasio: From: Bill de Blasio Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 3:12 PM To: Rabbi Moshe Wiener <> Subject: Fw: Help High-Risk Students Graduate! Rabbi, this story is simply amazing! You and your team should be [...]

December 24th, 2019|Blog, Press|

Holocaust Survivor Support Systems Video

Please watch this video about our Holocaust Survivor Support Systems.

November 13th, 2019|Blog|

Mayor Bill de Blasio Participates in JCCGCI’s Rosh Hashanah Food Distribution

At the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI), our mission is to improve the quality of life of the frail elderly, vocationally disadvantaged poor, underprivileged immigrants and educationally at-risk youth of our city. With forty (40) service sites throughout the five boroughs staffed by almost 350 social service professionals, JCCGCI believes that strengthening the well-being of our [...]

November 4th, 2019|Blog, Press|

Club2600 Socialization Session

Enjoy this video from most our recent Club2600, JCCGCI's monthly socialization session for mobile Holocaust survivors.

August 28th, 2019|Blog|

After Making its 300+ Job Placement, JCCGCI’s Parnossoh Employment Services Program is Going Strong

It began as an effort to help Brooklyn’s Haredi population develop marketable job skills and find meaningful employment opportunities. Over the past four years the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI)’s Parnossoh Employment Services Program has been wildly successful, expanding its offerings while also helping over 300 people take their place in the work force and thereby [...]

August 15th, 2019|Blog|

JCCGCI Provides Passover Assistance to Thousands of in Need

Passover can be a trying time of year for those of limited means, with the cost of holiday foods posing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. As in previous years, the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island endeavored to ensure that as many low-income individuals (mostly senior citizens) as possible could properly celebrate the holiday. This year, 3,435 distinct economically-challenged individuals [...]

June 11th, 2019|Blog|

Appointment of C. Noble, CPA, as JCCGCI’s Chief Financial Officer

We are pleased to announce the elevation of Chana M. Noble, CPA to the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of JCCGCI. This position was created in response to the qualitative and quantitative expansion of JCCGCI's fiscal management realities, which require a higher level of oversight and expertise. Previously, Chana served for fourteen years as JCCGCI's Controller, demonstrating remarkable [...]

April 1st, 2019|Blog|

Stop The Hate Rally

Please join us this Sunday, March 3rd at 12 PM  at Madison High School Lobby (3787 Bedford Avenue) for: Stop The Hate Rally Against Bias, Racism & Anti-Semitism

March 1st, 2019|Blog|

Women and Girls Empowerment Breakfast

Please Join Urban Neighborhood Services and the Coney Island Anti-Violence Collaborative on March 8th, 2019 from 10am - 1pm for their annual Women and Girls Empowerment Breakfast. Our keynote speaker is Patricia Anne Capers, JD., Esq., Chief, Records Research Branch, Joint Records Officer, Joint Staff Secretariat. Our theme for this year is building resiliency. The event will be held at MCU Park, 1904 [...]

February 20th, 2019|Blog|
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