Who Knows Whether It Was Just For Such A Time As This That You Attained the Royal Position!
On March 10th of this year (2020) the holiday of Purim was celebrated, when we read in the Biblical "Book of Esther," known as the "Megillah," that Mordechai exclaimed to Esther “And who knows whether it was just for such a time as this that you attained the royal position!” Not everyone recognizes an opportunity to rise to greatness. [...]
COVID-19 / Passover Emergency Appeal
COVID-19 / Passover Emergency Appeal For the first time in over 75 years, David may not have a Passover meal. That's not his real name--I've changed all the names in this letter to protect their privacy—but I have not changed the facts: He is elderly, he is frail, he is scared to leave his home due to COVID-19, he [...]
Passover Food Package Distribution & Transition to Adapt to COVID-19 Realities
Passover Food Package Distribution & Transition to Adapt to COVID-19 Realities A “hero” is defined as a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities and celebrated for their skill and actions. Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI), especially during times of crisis is an organization full of heroes, who prioritize the needs [...]
Lifechanging Careers Just a Semester Away
Registration for the Crown Heights Career Hub’s upgraded spring program is filling up fast, with new subjects and separate classes for men and women now being offered. With four successful cohorts already graduated, registration for the Crown Heights Career Hub’s upgraded spring program is filling up fast, as students take advantage of an opportunity to join the fast track [...]
Holocaust Survivor Services Video
Please watch this brief documentary video regarding some of JCCGCI's services for Holocaust survivors, commissioned by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany - "Claims Conference" - and shown at their annual Board meeting on July 14th.
JCCGCI Recent Achievements Video
Please watch this video about JCCGCI's recent achievements.
TRANSITIONING CLIENTS TO 21ST CENTURY LIFE SOLUTIONS This is an amazing story about the inspirational impact of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island's Crown Heights Career Assessment Program (CHCAP) on one client that exemplifies the program's impact upon hundreds of its participants over the past 11 years. Chaim (name has been changed), an immigrant was in his twenties [...]
Mayor De Blasio Praises Horizons Academy
Within a few short minutes of the broadcast of the below, we were honored and delighted to receive the following response from Mayor de Blasio: From: Bill de Blasio Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 3:12 PM To: Rabbi Moshe Wiener <m.wiener@jccgci.org> Subject: Fw: Help High-Risk Students Graduate! Rabbi, this story is simply amazing! You and your team should be [...]
Holocaust Survivor Support Systems Video
Please watch this video about our Holocaust Survivor Support Systems.
Mayor Bill de Blasio Participates in JCCGCI’s Rosh Hashanah Food Distribution
At the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI), our mission is to improve the quality of life of the frail elderly, vocationally disadvantaged poor, underprivileged immigrants and educationally at-risk youth of our city. With forty (40) service sites throughout the five boroughs staffed by almost 350 social service professionals, JCCGCI believes that strengthening the well-being of our [...]