The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI) provides a wide spectrum of senior citizen, vocational, educational, immigrant, crime-reduction and community revitalization services throughout New York City. We alleviate the health-related and economic struggles of those who need it most.
Our programs are available to all segments of the population, regardless of race and religion. We serve the city’s frail elderly, vocationally disadvantaged poor, underprivileged immigrants and educationally at-risk youth populations to help successfully address the challenges they encounter and attain independence with dignity.
JCCGCI is also a technical assistance provider, offering capacity building services to nonprofits citywide through our NonProfit HelpDesk division.
JCCGCI reaches thousands of needy families and individuals every day. Our programs provide individuals and families with the support and resources they need to remain safe and achieve fulfillment. We’ve come a long way since our founding in 1973, but we have, and always will, remain faithful to our core mission of transforming the quality of life of those in need, one individual at a time.
2022 Highlights
8,493 telephone calls
to 363 isolated elderly
30,231 sessions
of entitlement counseling, advocacy and emergency assistance services provided to 3,620 elderly
129,079 congregate meals
were served to 4,679 older adults
1,169,345 hours
personal care and housekeeping assistance to 1,029 functionally disabled elderly (thereby enabling them to continue living at home)
108,735 meals
were delivered to 349 elderly homebound
546 individuals
from low income Jewish Ultra-Orthodox communities and other diverse populations were readied for better employment opportunities with primary service sites in the Borough Park, Williamsburg, Far Rockaway, Crown Heights and Gravesend communities through the Workforce Development Program.
4,390 hours
of ESL instruction were provided to 590 low-income, unemployed or under-employed limited English speaking students
6,281 students
who receive Public Assistance were enabled to remain in school while benefiting from employment experience – through placement in enriching internships at 114 worksites, citywide
283 low income
Haredi individuals were assisted in their job search by the Parnossah Employment Services Program and 353 career counseling sessions were provided to 257 individuals by The Crown Heights Career Assistance Program. 44 indivuduals enrolled in business course through the Crown Heights Career Hub.
1,115 nonprofit professionals
citywide benefited from capacity building services, that assisted them in enhancing the efficiency and accountability of their operations
95 students
from low-income immigrant families in the Bukharian Community of Queens benefitted from after school programming
184 students
benefited from after school programming at 2 sites in Brooklyn
2,011 hours
of college and career preparation services were provided to 125 high-risk students at Abraham Lincoln High School resulting in 100% graduation rate and 90% of those students attending college the following year
89 children in need
were provided summer camp scholarships
85 students
participated in after school programming at P.S. 101
36 community outreach
and/or free legal events, and offered case management and advocacy for 50 individuals in Coney Island to assist tenants to remain in their homes
21 community events,
99 Violence Interruption Mediations, and 6 shooting responses in Coney Island, Brooklyn,
enabling a period of 60+ days without a shooting
3,760 units
of transportation services provided to 187 south Brooklyn residents facilitating their access to essential employment, education, shopping, medical and non-medical essential appointments and services
1,520 hours
of Health Insurance counseling and advocacy provided to 317 clients
75,899 units
of transportation services to 3,078 frail elderly, facilitating their access to essential medical and nonmedical appointments and services
5,867 visits
to 283 homebound seniors
1,214,664 units
of service were provided to 2,774 Holocaust survivors (services include Homecare, Transportation, Case Assistance, Friendly Visiting, Drop in Center, Congregate & Home-Delivered meals services)
129,079 total meals
at our eight senior centers, in addition to a wide-range of case assistance, educational, recreational and other healthy aging services
Thanks to our Funders
Without the generosity of our funders, our services that act as a lifeline for the frail elderly, vocationally disadvantaged poor, underprivileged immigrants, educationally at-risk youth and nonprofit organizations would not be possible. We thank our donors for their ongoing support and belief in our mission.
- U.S. Department of Education
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency
- NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services
- NYS Department of Labor
- NYS Department of State
- NYS Department of Transportation
- NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services
- NYS Education Department
- NYS Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery
- NYS Office for the Aging
- NYS Office of Children & Family Services
- NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
- NYC Complete Count Fund
- NYC Department for the Aging
- NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services
- NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
- NYC Department of Design and Construction
- NYC Department of Education
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
- NYC Department of Probation
- NYC Department of Small Business Services
- NYC Department of Youth and Community Development
- NYC Economic Development Corporation
- NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation
- NYC Human Resources Administration
- NYC Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
- The Research Foundation of the City University of New York
- Allianz Foundation
- Altman Family Charitable Fund
- Altman Foundation
- Apple Bank for Savings
- Arthur and Eve Fastenberg Philanthropic Fund
- Bloomberg LLP
- Booth Ferris Foundation
- Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation
- Brooklyn Community Foundation
- Charles & Mildred Schnurmacher Foundation
- Citymeals On Wheels
- Con Edison
- Conference On Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
- Consortium for Worker Education (CWE)
- Constans Culver Foundation
- Council of Jewish Emigré Community Organizations
- Dormitory Authority State of NY
- Edith C. Blum Foundation
- ExpandED Schools
- Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
- FJC, a Foundation of Donor Advised Funds
- Food Bank of New York City
- Ford Foundation
- Fund for Public Health in New York
- Gemiluth Chessed Of Greater New York
- German Insurance Association
- Gimprich Family Foundation
- Hearst Foundation
- Investors Foundation
- J.E. and Z.B. Butler Foundation
- Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation
- John H. & Ethel G. Noble Charitable Trust
- JPMorgan Chase Foundation
- Karev Foundation
- Laura B. Vogler Foundation
- Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund
- Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch Fund
- M&T Charitable Foundation
- Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
- Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty
- Metzger-Price Fund, Inc
- Moses l. Parshelsky Foundation
- Nathan and Louise Goldsmith Foundation
- Nelco Foundation
- New York City Council
- New York Foundation
- New York Foundation for Elder Care
- Pinkerton Foundation
- Red Apple Group
- Robin Hood Foundation
- Rosedorf Foundation
- Safe Horizon
- Solon E. Summerfield Foundation, Inc.
- The Atlantic Philanthropies Director/Employee Designated Gift Program
- The Devorah Fund
- The Empathy Fund
- The Gretchen Beinecke Charitable Trust
- The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
- The Hearst Foundation
- The Judy and Michael Steinhardt Foundation
- The Leader Family Fund
- The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
- The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation
- The Morton H. Meyerson Family Foundation
- The New York Community Trust
- The Starr Foundation
- UJA – Federation of New York
- United Way of New York City
- Wallerstein Foundation for Geriatric Life Improvement