Hurricane Sandy
Like so many of our community members, the JCCGCI faced tremendous damage when Hurricane Sandy landed in 2012. Six feet of flood water destroyed our central offices, claiming our equipment, furniture and important files in its path. Due to severe structural damage, the estimates of restoring our facilities stood at over $1 million.
The JCCGCI staff showed amazing dedication and resilience during our recovery process. Many of them spread out to different sites to help wherever they could. We were fortunate to have thorough technology disaster recovery procedures that enabled us to quickly restore critical services and reestablish contact with our client and staff base. In just a few days, our services were back to full workload.
Thank You
The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island expresses profound gratitude to the following funding sources who, through the allocation of generous emergency grants, served as “first responders” to our Hurricane Sandy recovery and restoration efforts.
Private Sector Sources
- Alliance for Coney Island
- Allianz Foundation for North America
- Altman Foundation
- Apple Bank for Savings
- The Atlantic Philanthropies Director/Employee Designated Gift program
- Brooklyn Community Foundation
- Coney Recovers
- Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
- Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany (NYC)
- Council of Jewish Emigre Community Organizations (COJECO)
- Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation Inc.
- Arthur and Eve Fastenburg Philanthropic Fund
- FJC, A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
- Ford Foundation
- Fund for the City of New York
- Nathan and Louise Goldsmith Foundation
- The M & T Charitable Foundation
- Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
- Nelco Foundation
- John H. & Ethel G. Noble Charitable Trust (Deutsche Bank Trust Company, Trustee)
- Pinkerton Foundation
- Robin Hood Foundation
- Solon E. Summerfield Foundation, Inc.
- The Judy & Michael Steinhardt Foundation
- Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch Fund
- UJA-Federation of New York
- United Way of New York City
Government Sources
- NYC Department for the Aging/Aging in New York Fund
- NYC Council/NYC Department of Design & Construction
- NYC Department of Youth & Community Development/Federal Emergency Management Agency
- NYS Office of Children & Family Services/Superstorm Sandy Block Grant
- NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Servicest
- US Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)