The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI) is a community-based organization with a citywide impact, providing supportive human and social services that benefit all segments of the population. Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals and volunteers united by a drive to provide substantive relief to individuals and families in need, and affect real change in the communities of New York City.
We were founded in 1973 as a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. When JCCGCI was revitalized in 1981 after the transition of the local Jewish community of Coney Island, our organization had only one program area, provided services in single community district and received funding from only one government source. Today, JCCGCI has grown to be a highly-acclaimed multi-service social service agency providing a wide array of supportive services throughout New York City, and funded through multiple government and private sector philanthropic sources.
With 35 program sites throughout New York City staffed by almost 350 social service professionals, JCCGCI assists an average of 2,500 needy individuals and families each day.
We strive to make each experience with JCCGCI a personal one, catering to individual needs and aspirations. We continue to develop exemplary and highly accountable citywide and locally-focused services that are strength-based, respectful of participants’ cultures and address the growing needs of the communities we serve.
JCCGCI’s board of directors oversees our services and operations with the utmost care, compassion and responsibility.
Senior Support Systems Team
Vocational Support Systems Team
Educational Support Systems Team
Community Support Systems Team
Management Support Systems Team
Financial and Legal Documents
- FY 2020 IRS Form 990
- FY 2021 IRS Form 990
- FY 2022 IRS Form 990
- FY 2023 IRS Form 990
- FY 2020 Audited Financial Statements
- FY 2021 Audited Financial Statements
- FY 2022 Audited Financial Statements
- FY 2023 Audited Financial Statements
- IRS Letter of Determination
- JCCGCI By-Laws
- JCCGCI Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism
- Whistleblower Policy
- Website Privacy Policy
- Donor Privacy Policy